
About Us

Pebbleridge Press

PebbleRidge Press is a small Independent English Language Publisher. The Press has two managers, a five member Editorial Advisory Board of published authors, and a Promotions Advisor.

Our Mission

PebbleRidge publishes high quality memoirs or autobiographical work by older authors who have lived a life of accomplishment and wide interest — in a profession, skilled trade, politics, business, unions, women’s careers, activism, culrural industries or academia.

PebbleRidge authors have had their past professional or technical writing published by a recognized publishing house or in the media in Canada, the U.S, or the UK. Examples are textbooks, government publications, curator’s guides and technical manuals.

PebbleRidge publishes writing that is unique in approach, style, or content. It may be prose or poetry, or may meld these forms in well constructed episodic accounts.

NOTE: Pebbleridge Press does not acccept any unsolicited manuscripts nor material from literary agents. Unsolicited manuscripts will be destroyed unopened.

Pebble Ridge Press
Box 21044,
Lockerby Post Office
Sudbury Ontario,
P3E 6G6